Want to get more involved in the club?

We need your help to make our club a success!

Howdy!  We are looking for volunteers to serve in a variety of ways, from individual events like the end-of-summer Howdy Event, to serving on the club’s executive board and committees.

Volunteering with our club is a fun way to meet other Aggie Moms!  There are things you can do to help, no matter how much (or little) time you can give.  For more information, please email us and let us know you’d like to find out more about the opportunities that are available.

Dinner to Honor Graduating Seniors

Thursday, May 6
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Crossroads Baptist Church

Join us for our last general meeting of the year to celebrate the Aggies from our club who are graduating in May, or graduated in August or December 2020!

There will be a complimentary dinner served and all club members are welcome. 

We hope you come and help us make this a special night for the graduates – they deserve a big WHOOP for their achievement!

April Book Club

Wednesday, April 28
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Book: The Last House Guest (Megan Miranda)

March Book Club

Monday, March 29
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Book: In Five Years (Rebecca Serle)

February book club

Wednesday, February 24
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Book: Where the Crawdads Sing (Delia Owens)

Angel Tree to support single Aggie moms

Help us help single Aggie moms this Christmas! Our club is helping a few Aggie students provide a great Christmas for their children by donating requested gifts and gift cards.

Although this is a Christmas donation, because of the early end to the A&M semester, we will need all donations dropped off at our ThanksGig’em dinner on November 12. If you can’t make it to the dinner, please contact Julie Jackson-Schmidt to arrange to drop off your gift by November 13.

Thank you for your generosity!

Aggie Mom Camp 2021 registration is open

Aggie Mom Camp 2021 Registration is now OPEN!!

Our Aggies have Fish Camp; but did you know that Aggie Moms have camp as well? Sponsored by the Federation of Texas A&M University Mothers’ Clubs, “Aggie Mom Camp”, to be held on campus February 5-7 2021, helps new Aggie Moms learn the traditions of Texas A&M passed along through seasoned Aggie Moms.

New this year: Registration will be on-line only. Also, a virtual attendance option will be available due to COVID group size restrictions.

Information, registration and payment are available at the following link: https://aggiemoms.org/aggiemomcamp/

Questions: Contact AMC Chair, amcchair@aggienetwork.com

Introducing our theme for this year: Aggie Moms – Stronger Together

It’s an Aggie Moms Club tradition that the each club President chooses a theme for the upcoming year. My immediate thought was “Stronger Together” because I know the strength of Aggie Moms & I know first hand what we can accomplish together. When I thought of an image to exemplify that theme, Rosie the Riveter from WWII was the first thing that came to mind. We’re living through extraordinary times and dealing with unprecedented issues – much like WWII. And in the same way, the women of WWII stepped up, took charge and made things happen.

We Aggie moms have that same steel grit & determination; that “get it done” attitude and that “better days are ahead!” attitude.  Whether we’re connecting to help our students, participating in order to be a part of something bigger than ourselves, or making new friends and enjoying this special time together, we are always Stronger Together.

Here’s to a GREAT year!
Terrie Martin ’86

Goodie Bags on sale now

We are excited to announce that we have our AGGIE GOODIE BAGS for sale, and the Fall Goodie Bag pickup will be on Thursday, November 19, just in time to BTHO Finals! Due to University restrictions, pickups will be off-campus at three locations in Montgomery County, between 9 am – 3 pm, or 5-7 pm.

Deadline for ordering Fall Goodie Bags is SEPTEMBER 25. To order your student’s Goodie Bag, please click here.

Remember, you must be a Club member to purchase Goodie Bags, so be sure to JOIN or RENEW your membership first!