Scholarship fundraiser Jan. 30, 2022

Congratulations to the Aggie Cornhole Team, the new National College Cornhole Team Champion!  Come on out and meet the Champs at the BBQ!



Click here to register for the BBQ and/or Cornhole Tournament.
– BBQ tickets are Pre-Sale only, so register today!
– You can pre-register for the Cornhole Tournament, or register on-site.

Payment options:

To pay by check, please mail check for total amount due to: Montgomery County Aggie Moms, P.O. Box 1796, Conroe, TX 77305, & indicate “Fundraiser” on the memo line.
– BBQ tickets: $20 per person (includes a soft drink or tea)
– Cornhole tournament: $40 per 2-person team; $20 for one person

To pay by PayPal:

BBQ Tickets (includes $2 per ticket Paypal service fee)

# tickets

Cornhole Tournament (includes $2 per person Paypal service fee)

# entrants

Donation to TAMU Cornhole Team

(Scholarship fund does not receive any of the proceeds)

amount of donation

Donation to Montgomery County Aggie Moms Club 

(to support scholarships and club donations to Texas A&M programs/clubs)

Donation amount